eBay advanced package

what do you get for £1295

Our Advanced package offers you a customised listing template for your eBay store, along with a comprehensive setup of your eBay shop and categories. We create a unique brand for your business. During the design process, we ensure your satisfaction by providing previews of the both the listing and store design. These previews allow you to review both the design and the marketing promotions integrated into the template, which are specifically designed to boost your sales. Once you are completely satisfied with the design, we offer seamless integration by automatically updating your live listings. Plus, we provide ongoing support to ensure your continued success. The listing designs offer dynamic widgets that allow you to customize the display of your content on eBay. You have the flexibility to organize your products exactly how you want them, including featuring top rated items to boost sales. This is crucial when competing with other sellers in your niche on eBay. Cross-promotion is another powerful tool to drive sales. By showcasing your related product range and using cross-promotion techniques, you can encourage customers to purchase multiple items from your store. This not only increases your average order value but also boosts your overall revenue. Establishing a professional image is key to building a successful eBay business. Using a professional design helps to position your store as a serious and credible seller, rather than just a hobbyist. This is especially important if you’re aiming to build a loyal customer base for the long-term. Our shop designs go beyond just a branded logo. We provide you with a suite of up to 4 banners that can be easily changed to match the seasons or focus on key events like Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween, and Christmas. This allows you to create a visually appealing and engaging storefront that captures the attention of potential customers.

  • A custom product page design
  • eBay Shop adding banners and category images.
  • Dynamic eBay Categories
  • Dynamic cross-promotion
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Add eBay Images
  • Add eBay Video
  • Cross-Sell Similar Items
  • Clean HTML coding techniques
  • Up-Sell Best Seller
  • Apply design to all eBay Items
  • Free Training & Support
  • Apply eBay Variations
  • Apply eBay Compatibility

Ad-Lister Software

  • The design is automatically added to your ad-lister account
  • Bulk update all your live listings
    Header tooltip    Rotating Banners tooltip    Images Gallery tooltip    Product Details tooltip    Custom Campaigns tooltip    Call to action buttons tooltip    Tabs Section tooltip    Custom HTML Section    Related or Similar Products tooltip    Dynamic Banner tooltip    Footer tooltip


Our designs are compatible with all listing software including Ad-lister


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