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Web design trends for 2020

The trends when it comes to web design are constantly changing – and 2020 seems to be like any other – the technical possibilities are endless, and we’ve seen talented designers playing with extremes while reinventing old techniques and styles. At the same time, there are some popular styles that just won’t fade away, such as the over-used minimalism and the colorful flat illustrations we’ve been seeing for quite a while now.

2020 looks like a promising year for web design- AI is going to play a major role when it comes to website theme builders and new styles. We’ve talked about how AI can impact the world of web design in a previous article, and we’ve covered why is it important to hire an agency when it comes to designing and branding your website.

Now let’s have a look at the major trends that we are going to see in 2020 – we’ve asked our team of designers what they thought would be trending in 2020 and here is what they said.


Dark mode


Web design trends - dark themeDark mode will be one of the main trends in 2020, mainly focusing on UI design, giving the users an option to darken down the UI.



Dark backgrounds make the design elements stand out more, creating a higher contrast ratio with the use of other colors – all while improving the visual ergonomics by reducing the visual strain. Dark mode is also a great battery saver on OLED screens – who would’ve known?

Dark Mode web designs not only look modern, but they make it easy on the eyes when a person is using the computer at night-time. While dark themes save power and extend the lifespan of screens, they also improve the visibility of other accent colors for a true dynamic design.

Every app is now pushing for a Dark Mode theme making it perfectly fit the 2020 design trends – these dark themes might also include dark and moody color schemes combined with glowing neons as well as a futuristic, dark cyberpunk and dystopian styles.


Imperfect elements


Hand-drawn elements aren’t always perfect and they inject human emotion into the website, which users seem to be craving after seeing perfected yet impersonal graphics dominate web designs for years. Hand-draws realness is one of the other major web design trends of 2020 – these elements will give visitors the heart and soul that they find appealing. Hand-drawn icons are more emotional but on a positive note. This new trend is due to the fact that we need more positive stuff around us, something that can brighten up our day.

These unique and stylized hand-drawn icons and other elements show off your brand personality and make you stand out from the competitors. This can count as a counter-movement to the pixel-perfect flat designs – so work on showing the human side of your brand!

Whether it’s hand-drawn  icons or illustrations, in 2020 we’ll see more designers adding imperfect hand-drawn elements to their web designs.

Talking about elements, the next major trend we’re going to talk about are immersive 3D elements

Interactive 3D elements are becoming more and more popular and we expect to see more of this 3D technology being used in the UI of websites. Designers are armed to their teeth with vast options for creative “roaming” in 3D space.



3D visuals always captivated the attention of people, what held back this trend was technology and an expensive price tag. Immersive 3D design is one of the best ways to create an immersive experience for your site. It doesn’t just look cool, it also encourages the user to stay longer and explore the website. As 2020 unfolds, we’ve going to see more and more immersive 3D designs which will visually break down the boundaries between digital space and reality.

Glowing, luminous colour schemes

These color schemes make your website look like it’s from the future. That’s why these color scheme designs will be so trending in 2020- the use of colours like blue, purple and hot pink can give designs that futuristic glowing feel.

These courageous colour pairings will make the designs jump off the screen – as web design is becoming more bold and daring, using glow-in-the-dark neons and highly saturated colors in combination with darker, muted shades to give the design a more luminous feel.

In 2020, these intriguing color schemes will play a critical role in web design. With web design trends like minimalism on the rise, glowing and luminous colors can really shine.

Final thoughts

With these annoying trends from 2010 coming to an end, web design trends in 2020 are embracing futurism like never before. Graphics to grab your attention, 3D effects and old trends reinvented are all clear indicators of this new 2020 style.

This movement extends beyond the visuals, with modern design emphasizing more user-friendly site experiences, as with minimalist navigation and less eye-straining dark design.